- Every student in Years 7 to 11 is required to wear school uniform. High standards of appearance and dress are considered to be very important.The wearing of jewellery is NOT permitted except for one pair of studs where ears are pierced. Other visible facial or body studs are not permitted.
- The School will determine the amount and type of make-up that qualifies as discreet in the rules below:
- In Year 10 and 11 a discreet amount of make-up is allowed.
- In Years 7, 8 and 9 the discreet use of cover up make-up only
Extreme hairstyles and hair colours are also unacceptable.
Uniform Direct are our school uniform providers. Uniform has to be purchased either online at The Wensleydale School at Uniform Direct or by placing a telephone order (01522 510016). Usually orders are dispatched within 24-48 hours. We do have a scheme whereby parents provide pre-worn uniform, washed and in very good condition that we have to make available to parents. Please enquire via your childs progress leader.
Items highlighted in red are required items of clothing.
- Plain blue v-necked jumper with the school badge – this item is required if the student intends to wear a jumper. We strongly recommend wearing a jumper. Other jumpers and hoodies are not allowed to be worn in school. This item can only be purchased via Uniform Direct.
- Striped blouse or shirt – this is a particular style and only available from Uniform Direct.
- Either
- Black school trousers – Jeans, jeans-styled trousers, tracksuit bottoms, corduroy trousers, leggings or jeggings are not permitted. Please see the photographs for more guidance on permissible styles of trouser. These can be a generic item.
- Black skirts – skirts should be knee length, straight or pleated and not of a stretch material. This can be a generic item.
- Plain black shoes – shoes should be sturdy, polishable, plain, flat black shoes in leather or similar material. Trainers or canvas shoes are not permissible. Lace up shoes should have black laces only. These can be generic items.
Although there is no formal dress code for students at Post 16, they are expected to dress in a way that would be appropriate in a professional working environment. Further guidelines are issued by the Head of Post 16, before students start their courses of study.
Summer Uniform (a school badged navy polo top from Uniform Direct) can be worn from Easter term and also into September depending on weather conditions. Winter uniform must be worn after 1st October.