Arranging a tour
We hope that this website and prospectus give you a taste of what life at The Wensleydale School is like.
The best way, however, to really understand our school is to come and see it for yourself. Visitors are always welcome at The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form, particularly any who are considering sending their child to the school.
If you would like a tour then please get in touch.
Applying for a place
Admission from local primary schools is arranged through the Local Education Authority in conjunction with the school. Any child between the ages of 11 and 18 years who lives within the catchment area of the school is entitled to attend, provided there is room within that year group. Certain academic requirements exist for students wishing to be part of our Post 16 community.
We welcome applications from Parents/Carers of children living outside the area, though in most year groups we continue to be oversubscribed.
To find out more about the application process, please visit the local authorities website by clicking the link here.
“I felt really welcomed when I came here in year 7 because I knew lots of friends from primary school.”
Student in Year 7