
Values and Ethos

We believe that the purpose of our school is to help all of our students achieve their dreams.

The school is a gateway to the world, preparing our young people to be highly successful citizens, and all of us who work in the school are committed to making this happen . We are part of a team that supports this process for each and every student.

We are ambitious and have the highest expectations of and for everyone who belongs to the school community. We want our students to have outstanding exam results and excellent communication and inter-personal skills. Not just one, but all three. If we achieve this, students have choice. And choice is liberating.

Our understanding of how this can be achieved is simple and the following principles guide our work:

  • We believe that all aspects of teaching and learning need to be outstanding.
  • We believe that strong, positive relationships founded on mutual respect between all stakeholders are essential. We need to get along!
  • We believe that students need to be enthused and engaged by an interesting and stimulating curriculum that prepares them for the future.
  • We believe that all assessments need to be accurate and informative. We need to know what to improve and how to improve.

All members of the school community, staff, students, parents and visitors alike are expected to adhere to the school’s 4 Key Behaviours. These reflect traditional British values and are universally important in forming and maintaining successful societies and organisations world-wide:

We are therefore:

  • Respectful
  • Positive
  • Hard-working
  • Successful