


At The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form we aim to equip the students for the challenges of the world beyond school and to be aware of the part they can play in the wider community.

A planned programme of careers education and Gatsby benchmark guidance is an essential part of the curriculum for all young people, contributing to their preparation for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form is committed to providing all pupils in Years 7-13 with a careers programme which is embedded into the curriculum and includes a variety of enrichment activities. The programme has been developed in line with the eight Gatsby benchmarks for ensuring best practice and to meet the requirements of the Department for Education’s statutory guidance 2018.

The Gatsby Benchmarks
1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experience of work places
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal guidance

The CIAG programme at The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form supports this entitlement and offers a programme which is:

A continuous process Structured

Supported by staff with appropriate qualifications and skills

Based on a partnership between school, parents, ‘Aspire’ and opportunity providers Confidential to participants in the careers guidance process

Easily accessible at the appropriate time Based upon equal opportunities

Differentiated to individual ability as far as possible

Partnership Agreements

The provision of CIAG at The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form relies on a range of different people and organisations working in partnership.

Parents: parental involvement is recognised as vital in the Careers Guidance process, and as such, parents are regularly provided with relevant information, and opportunities sought to involve parents as resources.

Aspire: relevant use will be made of the range of services, advice and training opportunities provided by Aspire. A Service Level Agreement will regularly be reviewed and implemented. This annual review considers the long-term aims of CIAG in the school and covers issues such as impartiality and special needs.

North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership (NYBEP): relevant use will be made of the range of services provided – especially with relation to WORK RELATED LEARNING provision.

Outside Agencies: agencies such as local employers and employees, Universities and

Enterprise Organisations…..are regularly contacted to provide variety of relevant input to the programme.

In conclusion, the school makes every effort to ensure that every student receives an entitlement to the best possible careers education and guidance. The purpose of this policy statement is to set out the principles on which the Careers Education and Guidance Programme will be based.

Work Related Learning

Careers Education contributes to ‘Work-Related Learning’ by using activities such as work experience, Enterprise Day, Enterprise Club, Young Enterprise, Job Studies, employer visits etc to learn about opportunities in the world of work and skills required to be successful.

A WORK RELATED LEARNING policy and framework showing outcomes is a separate document (The inclusion of this cross-curricular subject has been a statutory requirement since September 2004).

Careers Education and Guidance

Pupils attending the School are in their careers programme entitled to:

Receive a stable careers programme from Year 7 that continues until they leave school (or attend University, if taking a gap year).

Receive relevant careers guidance and have access to independent careers information and guidance, including labour market data where relevant.

Receive personal advice that helps pupils to achieve their individual careers goal – whether this is Higher Education, an apprenticeship or employment.

Be equipped with the necessary skills to prosper in HE and employment.

Have the relevant knowledge to make realistic and achievable goals based on their own interests and skills, whilst taking into account local job market information and relevant entry requirements.

Receive up-to-date information about careers and skill-development opportunities. Understand how different subjects help keep different options open.

Have access to additional help, whether this need is generated from a change of decision, personal circumstances or additional needs.

Have meaningful and helpful encounters with employers and other education providers.

Have a minimum of one week’s work experience, with the opportunity for a second.

Fully engage with careers lessons and activities.

Utilise the available careers resources, including the on-line Unifrog platform.

Record careers-related skills, participation and research, reflect upon what has been learnt. Identify and set goals for the future.

Actively participate in workshops, presentations and visits from external employers or providers.

Attend informative events such as Options Evening and ‘a conversation with…’ events

Use study and research spaces such as the careers and sixth form library appropriately and with respect for other users.

Take advantage of opportunities offered outside school, such as school trips and projects. Parents are entitled to have:

Access to links to the National Careers Service information and other independent websites and resources via the school website.

We use Aspire as our 1:1 provider. Shine A5 flyer 2018

The opportunity to contact the independent careers advisor, careers lead and careers coordinator.

Access to information and guidance through parent information evenings including choosing options, UCAS, work experience and pupil finance

Delivery of CIAG at KS3 and KS4 in The Wensleydale School & Sixth Form

CIAG is delivered through:
tutorial sessions assemblies

curriculum subjects eg Maths – Financial Awareness Visits by employers

Presence of a Personal Adviser from Aspire at Options Evening (Yr 9) and at other times when required

Special Events – e.g. NYBEP work experience preparation

A careers programme aimed at each year group and delivered during specified tutor sessions throughout the year.

Mr Chris Ellis

Business and Careers Lead

He can be contacted via admin@wensleydaleschool.net or 01969621000