
Academic Success

At Wensleydale we demand the very best from our staff and students. We are uncompromising in wanting every child to get the very best from their education.

Against every criteria we show that we are achieving that. We are amongst the very best schools in the region for the progress our students make, and as a result our exam performance significantly exceeds the local and national average.

Our Sixth Form may be smaller than average, but the destinations that it takes students to is no less impressive.

To support this, our school is developed around four key principles that underpin how our students learn and grow: 

  • We believe that all aspects of teaching and learning need to be outstanding.
  • We believe that strong, positive relationships founded on mutual respect between everyone in our community are essential.
  • We believe that students need to be enthused and engaged by an interesting and stimulating curriculum that prepares them for the future.
  • We believe that all assessments need to be accurate and informative. We need to know what to improve and how to improve.

“The lessons are fun and engaging, and teachers push us towards our ambitious targets.”

Year 8 Student