

Our policies help set the structures for how we work and what our community can expect from us, and what we can expect from them.

Parents/Carers who would like a paper copy of any information on our website are asked to contact the School Office -Mrs Kerry Gilbey on 01969 622244 or via email at admin@wensleydaleschool.net.

Download our Accessibility Plan

Download our Admission and Maximum Admission Limits Policy

Download our Anti Bullying Policy

Download our Appraisal Policy

Download our Assessment Malpractice Policy

Download our Attendance Policy

Download our Attendance Management Policy

Download our Behaviour for Learning Policy

Download our Budget Management Policy

Download our Capability Policy

Download our Careers Policy

Download our CIEAG Policy

Download our Charging and Remissions Policy

Download our Child Protection Policy

Download our Code of Conduct Policy

Download our Complaints Form

Read more about our Covid Risk assessment – 14 Jan 2022

Download our Curriculum Policy

Download our Curriculum Statement Policy

Download our Data Protection Policy

Download our Designated teacher for looked after and previously looked after Policy

Download our Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Download our Drug Education Policy

Download our ECT induction Policy

Download our Educational Visits Policy

Download our Emergency Plan Policy

Download our Equality Diversity information and objectives policy

Download our Equality Policy

Download our Exams Policy

Download our Exclusion Policy

Download our Finance and Budget Management Policy

Download our Fire Safety Policy

Download our Freedom of Information Policy

Download our Governors Allowances Policy

Download our Health and Safety Policy

Download our Home School Agreement Policy

Download our Inclusion Policy

Download our Infection Prevention and Control Policy

Download our Key Holder Policy

Download our Lockdown Policy

Download our Lone Worker Procedure Policy

Download our Medical First Aid Policy

Download our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy

Download our Mobile Phone Policy

Download our Online Checks Search Policy

Download our Online Checks Recording Sheet Policy

Download our Parental Leave Policy

Download our Post-16 Admissions Policy

Download our Privacy Notice Policy

Download our Remote Learning Policy

Download our Resolving Issues at Work Guidance

Download our Resolving Issues at Work Policy

Download our School Medical Policy

Download our School Hearing and Appeals Policy

Download our School Hearing and Appeals NYC Policy

Download our Searching and Confiscation Policy

Download our Security Guidance Policy

Download our SEND Policy

Download our Staff Behaviour Policy

Download our Staff Privacy Notice Policy

Download our Student ICT Acceptable Use Policy

Download our Provider Access Policy and Statement

Download our Relationships and Sex Education Policy


Download our Resolving Issues at Work Policy and Procedure

Download our Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy

Download our Schools Hearing and Appeals Policy

Download our Security Guidance and Procedure Policy

Download our Staff Behaviour Policy

Download our Statement of Behaviour Principles Policy

Download our Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Download our Whistleblowing Policy