
Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil Premium Funding

The pupil premium is awarded to schools to help to challenge the underperformance and disadvantaged learners in their school. In our current education system, only one third of disadvantaged students leave school with what is described as a basic entitlement. We aim to use our pupil premium to ensure that our students are not one of these “typical ” students.

  • We aim to ensure that they make better than the expected levels of progress.
  • We offer life experiences, which will enhance their learning and development.
  • We offer help and support to those who have difficulties with their learning, who may be vulnerable in school through emotional and complex needs.
  • We try at all times to overcome barriers which prevent students achieving their best.
  • We challenge students and encourage the highest aspirations.
  • We ensure that students are happy in school and attend well
  • We offer intervention programmes and “catch up” programmes and opportunities to narrow the gap between pupil premium and non pupil premium students.

We use a range of support strategies including:

  • pastoral support and mentoring
  • referrals to outside agencies for help and support
  • TA support in class
  • modified or personalised timetables
  • close liaison with parents
  • financial assistance for uniform, trips and other school requirements
  • intervention programmes for literacy and numeracy
  • use of a laptop/ tablet
  • small groups in some classes
  • robust careers information and guidance
  • clear and accurate monitoring programme
  • varied extra-curricular and enrichment programme and opportunities to extend the curriculum.
  • a comprehensive and secure transition programme for all new starters (including Service children)

Key documents